Photocrowd - Commended and Winners.
For those that don't know, Photocrowd is a photography competition site with both premium and free contests... mostly free. There's a few like it such as Viewbug and Gurushots, I tend to dabble in them for fun. I think i've mentioned this in a previous blog, but you can't take them too seriously. There's too many variants with the judging, and preference tends to be for the aesthetic and any technical bias the judges are hung up on rather than creativity. I've seen photos place high in one and bomb in another with practically the same narrative and requirements, so I rarely get involved in the premium ones. Hell, some of my photos that i'm not even a huge fan of do well, and vice-versa.
Sooo yeah, i don't often shout about minor achievements other than the odd post on Facebook, but at least if ya'll look for this kinda stuff i can immortalise it in a blog from time to time now. I've been published, done the whole Vogue Italia thing, won a few comps on photocrowd, been commended across many other different sites, won other competitions, had certificates and been exhibited via non photo competition specific sites.. but as suggested, I take it with a pinch of salt. What's the most important thing to me is what i'm going to be doing tomorrow, and the next idea, but i gather I need to post CV stylie achievements in the mean time.

We do however live in this world of social media drive where what you had for breakfast, or even someone else's article is often used to engage your audience... but maybe i'm just guilty of both crediting mine with having too many brain cells to buy in to it or not thinking anyone will give a shit? As long as you enjoy getting involved in it, or the PR aspect of it if you're the one doing it (sometimes that's part of the project to predict the reaction, and i get that), that's all that matters really. I do find everything is so fucking self centred and academically contrived these days, it's painful, yet it's also a source of great inspiration with satire and what leads to what I consider integrity too. But hey, i guess this is my blog and I can toot my own horn on occasion, if not just 'cus my parents moan if i don't tell them about these little victories!

Photoplus Magazine (UK Canon Only Photography Magazine)
So here ya go, here's some of the (photocrowd) comps i've managed to track down that are Judge awarded, commended or crowd top 10:

This photos has done the rounds!

A few more (but not them all) that made it, but it's way too much to link as they were awarded by their todd in singular competitions.