So I got a cheeky question asking when I was going to update my blog.... well here is your update Mark... just for you... I hope you're happy!

Seriously though, since my last blog i've moved house, battled battles, recalibrated everything and in turn re-edited a lot, started to set up a new studio and just today launched my new site: www.splashpointphoto.co.uk.
Never fear however, Fight The Light isn't going anywhere. Splash Point Photo will be offering commercial bespoke packages at my new location, where as Fight The Light will be my usual weird, quirky and provocative projects and shoot ideas... effectively a separate brand to not scare off those who are a little vanilla when if comes to their photography tastes and so I can explore the bridal market and more commercial once in a life time shoots (that aren't weird) such as underwater portraiture. Which brings me to my next point. Depending on when you're reading this of course, but the reason the site is back under construction is because of all the re-edits so i can update my portfolio with new old material and then add in some new stuff too. I may even look over some older blog posts and udpate those images too. A lot of the new edits and more images than will make it to the site can be seen over Instagram or Facebook... so do give me a like/follow there.
Back to Splash Point as it's the title of the blog... Check out some new images from my new location. Anything shot in doors is at our new studio space (including the pool) and anything out on location is within walking distance! The gallery features both Amo Mann and Jodi Rebecca, and you can see more images on the website and social channels!